I took a yoga class today. For those of you who know me, you know that this is a challenge. I am what some more polite people would refer to as "high-strung". I have never been one to sit around and be mellow, take naps, or just "be". I fidget, I make lists, cross things off my list, add more to the list, and I am ALWAYS straightening or organizing something. I don't necessarily love this quality, but I am learning to just accept the way I am. I envy people like my husband who can just flop on the couch and read a magazine or take a nap.
Back to yoga. At the start of the class the instructor explained that in honor of the New Year, we would be doing extra reflection and meditation. The class would start with 12 minutes of meditation. "12 MINUTES OF SITTING STILL", I inwardly screeched, "THERE IS NO WAY I CAN SIT STILL FOR A WHOLE 12 MINUTES!!!" I had the choice to either rush my over-active tooshy out the door, or close my eyes, take some deep incense filled breaths and do my best to "reflect on the past year" (instructor's words, not mine).
As is evident by my post, I survived. I not only survived the mediation, but as soon as I made the decision to "just be", the class breezed by. I left feeling light and relaxed. I arrived home to rice on the floor and dishes in the sink, but it DIDN'T MATTER. I am writing this tonight because I think as women and mothers, we tend to constantly be in motion. Planning, cleaning, organizing, feeding, playing, etc., etc., etc., and we can easily forget to sit down and pay attention to what is happening in the present moment. Some of my most peaceful moments are taking time to watch Max when we are outside. What could easily be a five minute walk turns into a thirty minute walk because Max stops to look at grass, listen to a bird, or touch a plant. He is paying attention to every detail of his present surroundings. Who'd have thought my two year old could be teaching me such valuable lessons??
As we enter the New Year and travel through busy, full lives, I want to remind you (and myself!!) to take time to slow down, pay attention, and just "be". Now please excuse me while I go add that to my list.